SOLiD,无线设备解决方案领先的供应商,宣布采用英国Ranplan Wireless公司强大的室内外联合网络规划工具Ranplan Professional设计其无线网络项目。
Ranplan Professional强大的设计和优化功能,特别是在解决复杂室内场景,异构网络场景方面的出色性能,为SOLiD用户提供了替代传统室内设计工具的新选择。
Ranplan Professional 是业界唯一真正意义上的室内外联合规划、优化和仿真工具,适用于Small Cell,DAS,Wi-Fi,室内外联合场景,为5G和IoT大规模应用,用户不断增长的覆盖和容量需求提供了必要保证。
“我们选择Ranplan Wireless作为我们的合作伙伴的重要原因是其技术的先进性和对我们需求的快速响应”SOLiD认证和设计室总监Lakshmin Thiagarajan说,“Ranplan Professional 室内外联合功能为我们设计异构网络项目提供了极大的便利性。”
“我们很高兴的宣布我们的合作伙伴SOLiD公司,在他的主要市场引入我们的工具”, Ranplan Wireless公司CEO Alastair Williamson说,“随着室内覆盖和容量需求的不断提升,Ranplan Professional工具在过去的12个月内需求增长迅速” 。
SOLiD 和 Ranplan Wireless将联合在VZTUF XII, Hilton Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas举办培训会。培训会的名称为:“Ranplan Wireless Propagation-Modelling Software Alternative”,培训会将首先进行软件的功能介绍,然后应用SOLiD公司的设备完成一个室内设计的项目,培训会将分别于2018年1月15日(周一)13:00-15:00,和2018年1月17日(周三)13:00-15:00,在400会议室举办。
About SOLiD
SOLiD (http://www.solid.com) helps keep people stay connected and safe in a rapidly-changing world through a portfolio of RF Amplifier, RF Radio and Optical Transport solutions. SOLiD enables indoor and outdoor cellular and public-safety communications at some of the world’s best-known and most challenging venues including leading hospitals; professional, and college sports venues; government, university and Fortune 500 corporate buildings and campuses; international airports and metropolitan subways; and other high-profile sites. For further information on SOLiD DAS, Backhaul and Fronthaul solutions, go to www.solid.com or call 888-409-9997.
About Ranplan Wireless
Ranplan Wireless is an innovative wireless technology company that has developed world leading software tools for outdoor/indoor wireless network planning, design and optimization, using advanced 3D building modelling and radio propagation simulation. The company is at the forefront of research and development for radio propagation, femto/small cell design, automatic RAN optimization and the deployment of complex HetNets.